You have seen them grow and reproduce faster than the virus of the moment. They are everywhere, in spectacular, social networks. They are called Investment lots or land.
How is it now that the cousin or neighbor has become an "advisor" or "independent developer" of investment land who does not even have the idea of where he is? But, he invites you to sessions in ZOOM where a “Closer” will guide you in the doubts you have, which are the same doubts based on the sheer inexperience of someone who is buying land for the first time in a remote and unknown place.
If you are among those people who seek to increase their assets, invest in a high-value product or are simply looking for a land where you can spend your old age in peace and tranquility. So I recommend you take into account these 5 aspects that will make your investment worthwhile.
“If you are not able to try on a shoe, would you still buy it? The same you should ask yourself with the investment land that you have no idea where it is and what its location means "
Investing in undeveloped land is not a short-term investment, although the “Closer” assures you that its value multiplies every week and that in less than a year you will be able to sell it for much more than it cost you.
The reality is that the value does increase, but it will be influenced by many factors. The fundamental reason is that it is a rugged piece of land in most cases, which is not productive and has no basic services that allow it to be exploited or inhabited. The 90% of the land in Mexico has this condition and there is too much to continue selling for many years to come, that is, the supply will always exceed the demand.
The only thing that can increase its value is how desirable it is to others who are willing to pay for it. And in that case, the lots in potentially tourist areas make the difference, such as beach fronts, lagoon fronts, lands with cenotes stand out as lands where there is a true potential for capital gain. Although they will also depend on other factors such as distances, proximity to urban areas, services, transport, etc.
If you are not able to try on a shoe, would you still buy it? You should ask yourself the same with investment land that you have no idea where it is and what its location means. It is not enough to be told about golden areas or golden triangles, and things like that. It is very likely that many areas will have years to come without development before you can even enjoy what you are buying in life. The proximity to towns and beaches or cenotes will not necessarily improve the circumstances. The only thing that ensures you can understand what you are buying is that you go, look, live and understand the dynamics of the place where what they sell you is.
If they told you that the Investment Lands have amenities such as green areas, swimming pool, parks, controlled access, cycle tracks, palapas, outdoor yoga centers and things like that. But, what they sell you are simple investment land without Condominium Regime, then you will have a much greater challenge and probably a lot of headaches. Maintaining common areas implies agreeing with perhaps 50 or in some cases up to 500 more owners, of whom many do not even have the means to build, so the maintenance of the "Amenities" is an issue that will fall into the void. . And do you know what happens with subdivisions or subdivisions that are abandoned or without maintenance? Exactly, they lose value!
"On the contrary, a well-planned investment land purchase with a well-defined purpose and above all with full knowledge of the real conditions, is one of the best investments that anyone can make"
If maintaining something that the developer gives you will be a daunting task, then how will you go about ensuring basic services? And even worse at a distance. Ensure paved streets, electrical installations, storm drains, public lighting, not to mention what are necessary services such as health, assistance, education, garbage collection or security in remote areas that are not prepared or have the resources to face these emerging colonies . So again, what exactly are you pretending to buy? Do you really think your cousin or your neighbor knows what what they are offering you means?
To close I just want to share that in no way am I saying that investing in investment land is not convenient. On the contrary, a well-planned purchase with a well-defined purpose and above all with full knowledge of the real conditions, are one of the best investments that anyone can make. The difference will make it as previously mentioned that you have a more complete picture and above all that you do it with professional advice. Today in the Caribbean there are Enough Areas with Attractions and an enormous Potential for Investment. There are Developments of Investment Land that took care of complying and creating a quality product, respecting the rules, caring for the environment and having a vision for the future in a responsible manner. For this reason, we invite you to let yourself be advised to be able to find the best option and achieve your goals.